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Friday, October 4, 2013

Google to use BLIMPS and Balloons to Increase East Africa’s Internet Penetration

Why use Blimps and balloons

Infrastructural challenges of sub-Saharan Africa makes it almost impossible to have wired networks that cover most parts of a country. Some regions are simply inaccessible because of geographical challenges.  Therefore the only option is to use high altitude platforms like Blimps and balloons to facilitate seamless transmission.

Wireless networks are the ultimate solution when it comes to increasing internet penetration of East Africa and other regions of the world within the shortest time possible.

An Array of Wireless Technologies Is Required

There is no silver bullet. No single technology can addressed the issue of internet connectivity in East Africa, Southern Africa and underdeveloped regions of Asia.
Google Engineers are presently brainstorming a number of technologies. So far, the most viable options have been found to be harnessing the power of radio frequencies and white spaces. These two can unlock a bright new future for over 6 billion people living in rural areas across the developing world.
Permission from a government is required so that Google can start utilizing the network of a country for the sake of facilitating internet connections. In East Africa, the necessary institutions in Kenya are already involved in high level talks with the officials of this multinational corporation related to increasing wireless penetration.

Why Google is Very Keen with White Space Technology

White space technology makes it possible to transmit signals over geographical barriers like hills, walls and trees. However, the curvature of the earth will still be an issue but there are many documented techniques that can be used to improve reception in rare cases when matters like curvature will be an issue.
A Google white space network will involve an online database, a base station and a blimp or a balloon.  The station will relay messages to the blimp platform with details such as protocol and GPS co-ordinates. Subsequently, feedback will be sent back indicating the frequency ranges that are available.

White Space Technology Has Already Been Tested In South Africa

Since Microsoft trials that were undertaken in South Africa yielded positive results, the case for East Africa will not involve starting from scratch. Also, launching of wireless networks in this region of Africa will borrow heavily from experiments that were carried out in South Africa that involved running databases using White Space radios.

Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania Have Unused Radio Frequencies

Google is trying to negotiate with these governments on usage of these frequencies. These bands are presently not being used for TV and radio transmission because of historic anomalies. For a long time they have been off limits to internet providers. However, with a small change in government regulation, Google can be allowed to tap into unused frequencies for the sake of increasing internet penetration.
In a world that is increasingly being transformed by virtual platforms, Africa should not be left behind. With investments from top dollar companies like Google, East Africans may soon be able to catch up with fast paced technologies of the west. A lot of deliberations between different stakeholders are presently being undertaken about how to increase internet penetration in developing and underdeveloped countries.

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